payments accepted

Secure online payments with SSL certificate and anti-fraud server

Security of payments is a delicate issue which sees the commitment of always high and constant. Today the customer can choose different payment methods: credit or prepaid card, PayPal, bank transfer, cash on delivery (in cash to the courier) or via Postepay top-up.

Many ways to pay, tailored according to your needs and time of receiving items. All easy and 100% secure thanks to our SSL security certificates on all pages of the site.

  • Credit card, prepaid or PayPal

If you choose to pay through the PayPal system, when you confirm your order you will be directed to the PayPal site page to complete the purchase procedure.

On the PayPal page you can choose whether to pay via your PayPal account (if you have one) or you can pay with your Credit Card or prepaid card, by clicking on the & gt; pay with a card & lt; . If you don't have a PayPal account you can choose to open one, or continue with the payment without registration. In both cases you will be asked to indicate a payment method, credit or prepaid card, and the data connected to it, expiry date and CVV.

nAll data entered for payment is collected directly by PayPal and will not be archived in any way by our site and / or by our company, to guarantee maximum data security. Choose the payment method with PayPal if you urgently need to receive your order in the shortest possible time, payment is simple but above all immediate, so we will give priority to your order.

  • Recharge your Postepay

PostePay top-up is a payment method that can be made in any post office, SISAL offices or comfortably at home from the internet. You can use this type of payment even if you don't have a PostePay card. Below you can read how to make the payment by reloading our Postepay card

  • In post offices: 1) With the traditional method it is not necessary to have one to make a postepay top-up. Just go to a post office, equipped with a document, and fill in the appropriate form. It is necessary to enter the name of the PostePay beneficiary / holder, the beneficiary's tax code, the 16-digit card number and of course the amount that will be immediately transferred to the card. 2) It is always possible through post offices to transfer money from another Postepay card or any other credit or prepaid card to ours, the same data will be requested. (the data will be visible on your order by choosing this payment method.)
  • At Postamat ATMs: you can also top up via the post office counter with a Postamat Maestro card, or by transferring money from your postepay card or using any payment card enabled for Visa, Visa Electron, Mastercard or Maestro international circuits.
  • On the post office website if you are a holder of a BancoPosta account or a Postepay card, you are in possession of a username and password required for authentication on the web portal of the Italian post office. After you have authenticated yourself in your user dashboard you will have the possibility to transfer money to any Postepay card, you can then proceed with the recharge on our Postepay card. (the data will be visible on your order by choosing this payment method.)
  • At Sisal receivers: you can top up our Postepay card at any Sisal receivers closest to your home. You will have to communicate: amount to be recharged (total order), PostePay card number and then follow the instructions of the operator of the bookshop. (the data will be visible on your order by choosing this payment method.)

The top-up operation can also be performed by non-PostePay card holders

The cost of the top-up operation is 1.00 euro at the post offices distributed throughout the Italian territory

Postamat ATMs are open 24 hours a day in front of the Post Offices

nAt the SISAL ticket offices the fixed fee is 2 euros

  • Wire transfer

If you choose this form of payment, the order will be shipped only after the entire amount due, including shipping costs, has been credited to the bank account. Credit times may vary based on your credit institution, but generally do not exceed 5 working days. The transfer will be made to the bank account of our company whose data will be sent to you by email as soon as the order is completed on the site. To speed up the verification procedure, send us a copy of the bank transfer you made.

Payment must be made within 3 working days from order confirmation. The products will remain busy for 3 days and in case of non-payment, the order will be automatically canceled. The reason for payment by bank transfer must include the date on which the order was made, the customer's name and surname and the num. order.

  • Cash on delivery

Only for Italy order

With the cash on delivery, you will pay the amount of your order in cash and directly to the courier (including shipping costs) plus the cash on delivery fee (worth € 4) directly to the courier upon delivery. Present the exact amount in cash to the courier because the courier is not due to return the rest and is not authorized to accept other forms of payment.

Also check that the information on your shipping address is correct and that all the ancillary information, such as extension, scale and name on the intercom, telephone, necessary to facilitate the delivery of your order.

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